Sunday, March 7, 2010



 Last night was a good night, good hair, good food, good drinks, good people.
I started work at 9am. I did 2 colors. and 4 haircuts. my colors turned out great, i gave a girl a new cut and added some highlights to lighten up her natural blonde and a few golden lowlights underneat to add some more depth and dimension in her hair. It looked great. She went from looking 16 to 19.  I did a "scene" cut on her friend, basically just more layers in the top. I cut up her bangs to swoop across her forehead and added a purple tint to the underneat layer of her bangs, she has black hair, so when she goes out side in the sunlight, you can really see that purple cast and it looks awesome. They were happy. So, in turn, i was happy.
 After work I came home, took an awesome nap. Got up and picked up Nick mick and we went and had some Clints Pizza. Delish.
 We decided to go out and have a few drinks at the Arena in the district. It was a good time. New friends, old friends, a few I havent seen in a long time. Pitchers of PBR and Jager Bombs. The Arena is probably the only bar in the distrtict I really like. The other bars seem to be full of douche bags. Im sure the Arena has their fare share... but at least they have good music.
 I plan to post often. Hopefully I will be getting together with my good friend Gracie and taking some pictures soon. I do ALT modeling for a website called Godsgirls. Hopefully I can expand my modeling to other things. That would be awesome. here are some photos from last night.
looking forward to comments and more interesting posts for you all soon.

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